“Mike is in a league of his own when it comes to converting words into emotions and stories that result into sales… I have experienced his talent first hand and can honestly say he is the only copy specialist I would ever use.” – Ricky Hasan
Ex-Alaskan Wild Land Firefighter Turned Million Dollar Copywriter Stumbles Upon Forgotten 18th Century Writing Technique…
Then Writes Copy That Pulls 86.27% Conversion Rates And $49.18 EPCs In One Of The Most Boring Niches On The Planet…
On This Page: You’ll discover how this newbie writer (me) quietly became “the most prolific” direct response copywriter of 2014… writing for over 1,259 product creators… and… generated millions in products sales in just about every niche imaginable… was named one of the 182 Greatest Copywriters of the Internet Age by Joey Bushnell of WebMarketingCircle… and generated over $371,749.35 in copywriting fees in just 15 short months…
PLUS: I’ll reveal my #1 “secret” for generating impossibly high converting sales copy that you can “steal” right now and start making money with today… even if you decide not to hire me…
Dear Friend,
In just a second I’m going to show you the exact process I used (I learned it from a homeless millionaire) to generate 86.27% conversions rates which made my client $49.18 EPCs for his product… and by the end of this page you’ll be able to replicate precisely what I did to stuff your pockets with cash… and I’m not going to ask for a penny from you in sharing this information. It’s yours totally free.
But first I need to make something very clear about my intentions:
I want to make you money. As much of it as I can.
But in order to do so you have to be convinced that the words that flow from my fingers possess the “right stuff” to make your offer sing.
You want to know if I can make you sales.
“FYI, I did a customer only special and the offer converted at over 80% with 150 sales! You rock.“
– Andrew Hunter
And that’s no small order because you’re a smart, hard working entrepreneur looking for maximum value… and… copy that converts.
And let’s be honest, you’re a bit jaded, skeptical, and probably a little afraid of hiring someone else to write copy for you, aren’t you?
You want to cut through all the fluff and hype and get a straight answer to the question:
“Yeah Mike, but can you make me money?”
I can.
And if you have the right product I can help you make a lot of it.
But think about the words on this page in this way…
If I Can Get You To Buy “Me” With Just The Words On This Page… Then Selling Your Stuff Is Gonna Be Easy
You see, most copywriters are going to try and get you with this angle:
“I’ve read such and such book, and took this expensive certification course… therefore I know how to sell with words.”
Don’t fall for the “Cracker Jack” writer!
If you take nothing else away from this page then please remember this:
Reading books about copywriting and actually making sales when your butt is on the line are TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS…
And it’s because…
They call copywriting “Salesmanship in print” for a reason…
“The best (Advertising/copywriting people) we know have been house-to-house canvassers.” – Claude Hopkins, Scientific Advertising pg. 4
Copywriting is about sales… and you don’t learn sales by reading a book.
You learn it by getting out there, hitting the pavement, and ACTUALLY MAKING SALES.
That’s why I scoff at “copywriter-in-a-box” writers. “Cracker Jack” writers.
They’ve got no skin in the game. They haven’t “tasted blood” as Ogilvy says.
They got their copywriting training from a Cracker Jack box. And now they think they know enough to handle the sales for your precious product or service.
I on the other hand…
Spent 2 Years In An Island Jungle Selling An “Impossible To Sell” Product (Which costs 10% of your entire revenue every month) To The Poorest People On Earth
These guys ever been to your house?
I used to be one of them. I was damn good too.
A lot has changed since then… but the lessons in emotional selling, perception creation, and price justification have never left me…
I spent two straight years in the Philippines knocking doors selling something totally intangible, impossible to prove, with the highest price tag in the market (10% of your entire revenue)… and without a single day off for the entire two years…
“Fab-U-Lous! Great Stuff Mike – you are an absolute GENIUS!! thanks so much! LOVE YOUR WORK!!!! It has been wonderful working with you – what a super star!Thank you so much!!!”
– Kate Burr
Did I mention I had to do all this in a total foreign language?
Oh… also, I wasn’t paid a dime for the experience. (I actually had to pay more than $500/month for 24 months to gain that impossibly tough – and sales empowering – experience).
You know what happens after two years of getting rickety old hut doors slammed in your face?
You learn how to sell.
Not in the sleazy, used car kind of way… but in the kind of way that gets people to fundamentally change their core belief system… their lifestyle… their relationships…
This wasn’t door-to-door sales of a $7 “brain-dead” ebook…
This was transformational sales.
And This Is Why “Cracker Jack” Writers Are So Dangerous
“Cracker Jack” writers can claim they know “copywriting tricks” they learned from a Youtube video and a library book…
They say (mostly to themselves) that since they paid $4,997 to some no-name “guru” for the “Ultimate Copy Course” they know how to make sales.
You wouldn’t trust a surgeon if he said, “I’ve seen it done on TV and I read a textbook once.”
You want someone cutting you open who has done it at least 100 times before… and with some successful operations under their belt before they get to pull out the Exacto knife and start slicing.
Copywriting is the same way.
I know how to sell face-to-face having done door-to-door selling for two hard years in a country halfway around the world (and I know all those “copywriting tricks” too… I’ll show you in a second what I mean..).
That means your project is being handled by someone who knows how to sell. Online and off.
You know what the main difference between me and “Cracker Jack” writers is?
Before I even sat down to start reading the required texts for copywriting riches… I had already done more face-to-face selling than most of these so-called Million Dollar Copywriters have ever done in their life…
And that’s a huge difference…
If you want to make sales anyways…
You Want To Talk Numbers… Let’s Talk Numbers.
But door-to-door selling isn’t copywriting.
There is a difference… and even though Claude Hopkins wishes all copywriters spent time getting their hands dirty in door-to-door sales… you aren’t looking to hire a canvasser…
You want to know if I can make sales with my words in print.
You want to know if I can sell your product while you sleep… 24/7 and 365.
And what you need is someone who has “cut their teeth” in the “make money” world… someone who can guide you through the bad decisions, and make better ones for you. Ones that bring you more sales.
What you need is someone who has already made a ton of money for other people…
Let Me Show The Money I’ve Made With Words On A Screen
Here’s some screenshots for you:
You ever seen numbers like that before?
Probably not.
And that’s because what you’re seeing in those screenshots is the difference between having actual selling experience (like me)… and not having any sales experience at all (like a “Cracker Jack” writer).
But even still… if you know anything about the 40/40/20 rule, you quickly realize those results are just another day in the life of a well trained, experienced copywriter who understands the “sales” part of writing “sales copy“.
So, Maybe These Guys And Gals Can Convince You That I Know How To Put Cash In Your Pocket
Still, any decent copywriter will have an entire folder full of those (I’ve got several).
Besides, most of my clients are more like friends than traditional clients. With my clients, we make money together. Not separately.
There’s really no point in working with people that you don’t like, so even these testimonials don’t really, fully prove whether or not you can trust me to make you money.
So Instead Of All That, Let Me Show You Something That Will Put Money In Your Pocket Today… Totally Free Of Charge.
I want to share with you exactly how I achieved the highest conversion rates of 2014 by accidently stumbling upon one of history’s richest writing secrets as taught by one of the world’s most unlikely writers…
Even if you don’t decide to hire me… learning this secret that I’m about to show you will unlock untold amounts of revenue for your business no matter what niche, no matter your experience in marketing, and no matter your budget…
“If you have access to a pen, a notepad, and the Internet then you can tap into this historic writing method proven to increase copy effectiveness…”
This single secret is the core, the basis, the backbone of every single dollar I’ve made for all 1,259 clients of mine… it’s a secret so powerful that 99% of the world’s greatest copywriters (guys like John Carlton, Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy etc.) simply refuse to admit that they use this writing technique in their own copywriting routine for fear of “letting the secret out…”
This is the secret behind the story of how one ex-firefighter became one of the best copywriters on the planet in less than 15 months…
How To Become A Million Dollar Copywriter In Just 15 Months
(REVEALED: The 18th Century Writing Secret To Creating Massive Windfall Profits For Myself And Millions In Sales For My 1,000+ Clients… As Taught By A Homeless Dude.)
The secret to my success over the past 15 months – and the key to you making windfall profits starting today – is really quite simple:
Benjamin Franklin taught me how to write copy via a homeless dude in Alaska.
You see, back in 2004 I shipped myself off to Alaska to fight wild land fire.
It was one of the worst seasons in recorded history. We worked 16 hour shifts normally, and once per week we were pulling 24 – 36 hour watch duty when things got really bad.
I learned how to grind out there in the burning woods of Alaska. It’s part of the reason why I’ve become so good, so fast. Why I’ve been able to help so many entrepreneurs in such a short time. After a season of fighting fire in Alaska, sitting on my butt and selling cool stuff all day is a breeze.
But that isn’t the point of this story…
This is:
While there I met a guy who was homeless 8 months out of the year. By choice…
During the summer he’d work the fires, and in the off season he’d bum around with his laptop in a VW bus surfing in California, Hawaii, and even Alaska (supposedly…). He was quirky, hilarious, and did whatever he wanted…
One day during that summer just outside of Eagle, Alaska we were at a rest step that had a weak Internet connection. I heard this guy cursing up a storm so I peaked over his shoulder… and my jaw dropped.
I Was Looking At His Bank Account And What I Saw Completely Changed My Life
I’ll never forget what I saw flashing on the screen before me:
This “homeless” dude that I had spent every waking hour with was a millionaire.
A real-deal-million-in-the-bank millionaire.
I had to find out what his story was. Did he inherit it? Steal it?
“I’m a copywriter“, he said.
“I work when I want. I make people a ton of money, and I get to travel around the world,” He said.
“I fight fires to stay in shape.”
I told him that he needed to teach me the ways of the money making force.
He then described the exact process that he used to become one of the highest paid copywriters in the world back in 2004.
And now I want to give this to you totally free… and maybe someone reading this will be able to take this free advice and achieve the same financial results that I have.
But don’t be fooled…
While the advice may seem simple, it is incredibly difficult to put into practice.
It takes discipline, grit, and a powerful dream to get you through the suck.
But if you do it… money will flow into your bank account in ways that you can’t even begin to imagine right now.
Follow This Homeless Dude’s Guide To Riches And You Are Practically Guaranteed To Make $1,000,000
“I learned this trick from Benjamin Franklin,“ he said.
“It’s withstood the test of time and every single great writer in history has used this simple technique to achieve dominance in their craft. If you follow this simple process – and do it every day – you will become a master copywriter. Guaranteed.”
“First, you need a piece of paper and a pencil… and loads of time.”
“Ok….you are my NEW BEST FRIEND!!! I am SO pleased. You even happened to use a phrase that Coral just used for the FIRST time today and I wished she had said in time for me to send to you. “Feeling stuck”. You nailed it. Thank you. I’ll have another project for you on the heels of this one. Woo-hooo!!! Thank you!!!”
– Cindy Cooper
“Then you hunt like a rabid wolf for any and all advertisements that tickle your fancy.”
“Then you copy every single word by hand, over and over and over again until you’ve got the page memorized.”
“Do that for a few years and you’ll be one of the greatest copywriters to ever walk the earth.”
I was blown away.
It seemed so simple… and so impossibly difficult at the same time.
But I trusted him. I mean, I’d seen into his bank account after all and at 19 years old I thought the idea of living in a VW bus and surfing wherever I wanted to was a pretty ideal life…
So I did it.
And I’ve been doing it ever since.
(And if you start doing it today, you’ll be on the path to millionaire status just like my “homeless” friend… and just like me… but if you want the same results without having to put in years of grueling copywork… I’ll show you a shortcut method here in a few seconds…)
11 Years Of Hand Copying Sales Letters Means I Know How The Big Money Is Made
That’s nearly 4,014 days of dedicated, disciplined study… writing by hand each and every painful word of thousands of sales letters, emails, VSL scripts, landing pages and more…
Learning firsthand from the ACTUAL MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR CONTROLS that have dominated niches like:
- Biz Op/MMO
- Forex/Investing
- Dating/Relationship
- Health/Fitness
- And much, much more…
I’ve studied them all:
- Gary Halbert
- David Ogilvy
- Ben Settle
- Yanik Silver
- Harlan Kilstein
- Jay Abraham
- Joe Vitale
- John Carlton
- Bob Bly
- Dan Kennedy
- Joe Sugarman
- Michael Fortin
- Claude Hopkins
- Agora
- Rodale Inc
- Boardroom
- And more…
But I don’t just study direct mail/classic sales letters either…
I’ve also got a dedicated “just-to-collect-swipes-for-study” email inbox with over 14,570 emails from some of the best marketers in some of the most competitive niches in the known universe… all with pitches, offerings, and complex AR sequences for me to nitpick, study, and swipe…
That’s why my clients don’t just get words on a page that sell…
They get the latest, most up-to-date marketing and sales advice as it happens NOW! My clients don’t wait for the “gurus” to release the “How I Made $1,000,000” info product… they just ask me what I’m seeing in my “Crystal Ball” of spending hours each day peeking at marketing and sales funnels of some of the highest earning entrepreneurs of our modern era.
Copying the greats taught me the foundations for building copy controls. Watching modern-day maverick marketing campaigns unfold in real time has taught me how to make even more money than the old-timers ever thought possible…
Can You Imagine Being Able To Travel Back In Time To Hire David Ogilvy Himself To Craft You A Personalized Print Ad? That Would Be Incredible Right?
Well, it’s possible…
Sort of.
I’m no David Ogivly… but I’ve memorized his letters. I know his moves by heart. I could rewrite some of his greatest letters RIGHT. NOW. Nearly word for word…
Think about that…
When you hire me to write your stuff David Ogilvy’s style is going to end up on your page. I’ve copied and recopied so many of the great writers that I can’t help but write like they do.
And that’s good news for you because it means that you get PROVEN copy… there’s no experimental stuff coming from fingers. I’m heavily influenced by the writers who made millions. And that’s why my clients do so well.
But it isn’t just David’s stuff that I’ve got stored away in my brainspace either.
Let me just remind you of the people whose letters I’ve been copying day in and day out for nearly 11 years…
- Gary Halbert
- Ben Settle
- Yanik Silver
- Harlan Kilstein
- Jay Abraham
- Joe Vitale
- John Carlton
- Bob Bly
- Dan Kennedy
- Joe Sugarman
- Michael Fortin
- Claude Hopkins
- Agora
- Rodale Inc
- Boardroom
- And more…
Think about this for a second.
That means when you hire me you are tapping into a literal storehouse of the greatest sales copy that has ever been written… you aren’t getting fluffy “copy theory“… you’re getting sales pages written through the same two hands that have literally “felt” and absorbed, and digested, and memorized the greatest sales letters of all time…
Most copywriters don’t have the discipline or the guts to do something like this every day. They just don’t. To be honest, if I hadn’t spent a summer fighting fire in Alaska… I probably wouldn’t have the grit to do it either…
But I did spend a summer in Alaska. And I do have the grit. The past 15 months and $371,749.35 in writing fees proves that.
There isn’t a copywriter out there today who works this hard. I guarantee it.
And That Impossibly Hard Work And Diligence Turns Into Real Dollars For You As My Client, Because I Know Things No Copywriter Will Ever Work Hard Enough To Find Out
Things like:
- The 6 little words that 8 out of 10 million-dollar-controls use to justify higher pricing… and get the money no matter the experience, expertise, or history of the product or service being offered… if you want to charge double or even triple your current prices then you need to add these 6 simple words to your copy right now!
- Why Mel Martin’s “Fascination Points” out pull standard bullet points… and… why most copywriters get it wrong when it comes to crafting high converting sales pages because they completely misunderstand the genius behind Mel’s copy… (That’s probably because Mel’s swipes are nearly impossible to find… I had to pay hundreds of dollars to get access just to read his copy… but now I have boxes full of his stuff…)
- Long copy vs. short copy, which converts higher? You’ll be surprised to discover that 100% of the best converting (and longest running) sales pages in history (including pages from today) all belong to one of those groupings… and it isn’t the one you think…
- The surprisingly simple “two emotion” formula for creating high hit ratios regardless of your niche or industry… All the master copywriters figured out long ago that you only need to tap into these two “primordial” emotions and you can sell anything, anytime, to anyone successfully, predictably, and easily…
- The ” Harlan Kilstein” approach to PostScript copy that literally forces your reader to rethink everything they’ve just read… and call into question everything they thought they knew about your market… (This is an incredible copy “trick” to use for over saturated markets like IM/Health/Investing etc.)
- The Dan Kennedy “Naked Writing” cheat sheet that I reverse engineered after being on his Gold Members direct mail list for over 3 years studying every. single. piece of direct mail he sent to his lists… if you think the words of your copy matter think again… the best copy in the world focuses in on the 50% that nearly all copywriters completely ignore out of ignorance…
- The precise persuasion pattern (pattern #11 in my list of notes) that an ex-chef turned ad man used to turn a tiny German company reeling from post-Nazi propaganda… into one of the most successful multi-billion dollar brands in history… (HINT: Self deprecating humor goes a long way in building trust…)
- How a former “rock & roller” turned ad man discovered a copywriting breakthrough that doubled his cold conversions… simply by replicating the face-to-face selling experience through “metered demonstrations“… this is the same move that Darin Garman uses to sell 7 figure commercial apartment buildings sight unseen to investors in California, New Jersey, and even Japan (and all through simple direct mail sales letters which I’ve copied dozens of times…)
- How to triple conversions by adding just one letter to the headline of your sales letters… no matter what you are offering, what niche you are in, or what the rest of your sales letter looks like… It sounds too simple to actually work but… it does and there are countless examples both online and off of it drastically increasing sales…
- And so very, very, very much more…
I could go on for days about all the exciting things that you can discover if you just sit down and pick high converting sales letters to pieces.
I’ve been doing it for years now… and I’ve loved every second of it because of the money earning lessons it has taught.
Now Here’s How We Can Make Some Really Good Money Together
If you’d like to join the thousands of people who have benefited directly from my sales and marketing experience…
Then all you have to do is fill out the simple form below letting me know what you need help with.
I can help you:
- Boost your current conversions rates (sometimes even doubling and tripling sales) through a no-holds-barred COPY CRITIQUE… if you don’t want to fork over the reassuringly expensive cost of hiring me to write your copy for you… then this low-cost copy critique will give you everything you need to increase sales on copy you’ve already written…
- Bring your online selling strategies into 2015 by crafting compelling, informative, and high-converting VIDEO SALES LETTER SCRIPTS… even a simple 3-minute VSL can increase conversions by 48%… FOR MAXIMUM CONVERSIONS: Combine a shorter VSL with a longer text-based piece of sales copy to create the ultimate hybrid sales piece for maximum engagement, maximum readership, and maximum profit!
- Drive ridiculous amounts of traffic through the automagic power of a well written and engaging EMAIL (or two or three)… and… experience firsthand why my “Soap Opera” style autoresponder emails perform so well in turning cold opt-in traffic into red hot buyers for your products or services… (HINT: My emails are mini-sales pages crafted to drive clicks using info-tainment psychology and powerful CTAs to command the reader’s attention…)
- Sell your product better than anyone else by creating TEXT-BASED SALES COPY for your business using the tricks I’ve discovered having written for over 1,259 products and services in the last 15 months alone… there isn’t another copywriter on this planet who has compressed so much real, battle-hardened experience into such a short time… TRANSLATION: The sales copy you get from me is sales copy refined through experience writing in today’s marketplace–often for some of the largest names in Internet Marketing and Business–and it converts. Period.
- And much, much more…
(Want to see some samples? Contact me and I’ll show you whatever you want to see.)
But The Craziest Part About This Entire Page Is That You Can Get Ridiculously Good Sales Copy For As Little As $397
As you can imagine, I’m in high demand. I regularly bill $6,000+ per week in copywriting work just off of word-of-mouth referrals and repeat business alone!
Most writers would see that as an opportunity to jack up their prices.
But I’ve been in your shoes before. I know what it’s like staring at a $5,000 invoice for a copywriter thinking, “Well, that’s like my last $5,000… I hope this works…”
Which is why I’ve come up with the perfect solution to ensuring that you get high quality sales copy… and I get paid just enough to make sure I can give you everything you need to make sales.
You Get 2 Options When You Order Copy
Option #1: Hire Me For One-on-One Work
You and I (and my biz partner Pete) jump on the phone. We work out details. I spend 5 full days (25+ hours) working on JUST your sales copy. We maximize every last drip of conversion power from your product, including tweaking the entirety of the offer if need be. I obsess over your product and copy for days.
“DANG! that’s a lot of bullets! thanks man – you’re amazing! hope you liked the book 🙂“
– Russell Brunson
We make 100% sure your campaign will have the best chance of success.
If you want to maximize your investment, get the highest converting sales copy possible… then this is the choice you want.
However, something like this isn’t cheap. You’ve seen the income that I generate for myself. In order to obsess over your project (instead of obsessing over my own) I need to be compensated for that time.
Typical starting price: $1,997.
Limited to only 1 project per week.
Option #2. Hire Me & My Team To Write It.
If you don’t have $1,997 to drop… then you need this cheaper copy right now.
This is the only way to tap into my money making experience and power without having to shell out the huge investment it would take to work with me one-on-one.
You see, I have a stable of hand-picked writers who have undergone the most intense copywriting training program on the face of this planet. It was designed by me. I made it purposely difficult. These writers are trained killers.
There’s no “Cracker Jack” copywriters here. These guys (and gal) know how to sell. They’ve done the copywork (in longhand)… they’ve suffered through my impossible critiques… they know my secrets.
And they’re way less expensive because they work for me.
Here’s how it works.
Step 1. You Hire “Us”.
Step 2. My Writer Writes The First Draft Of Your Copy.
Step 3. I Rewrite It To Perfection.
Step 4. You Profit.
You get a polished “Written By Mike Shreeve” piece of sales copy… my writers get more experience… I get to give something back to future writers… and you can get all this for as little as $397 (to start).
Have you ever watched Chef Gordon Ramsey work in his kitchen? His only job is to make sure each and every piece of food that comes out of his kitchen is perfection. The highest quality food possible. And if it’s crap… he sends it back and says lots of bad words.
Our “copy shop” is a lot like that.
If you’re looking for good, hard working sales copy that is going to bring you profits but you don’t want to shell out $2,500 to buy me exclusive…
Then pick this option.
The alternative of course is that you go out there and find someone whose normal prices are $297. If that’s your decision… I’ll be here waiting for you when you need it re-written because you hired a “Cracker Jack” writer…
But here’s the deal.
With either option my goal is to make you money. That should seem obvious but that isn’t the goal of every copywriter out there.
And too prove that I’m this business to make you money… you’ll get…
My Solid Writing Backed By The Original “Copywriter’s” Guarantee
Try Me Out – Risk Free.
100% Money Back Guarantee
That’s right, you read that correctly…
When you work with me and my team you get a 100% money-back guarantee with each and every piece of copy that I write for you. Do you know of any other copywriter who offers a guarantee like that?
I don’t!
I am so confident that you are going to love my writing and that you are going to love my sales copy that I am offering you a 100% money back guarantee.
This is just insane… I’ve been ridiculed by many of my fellow copywriters for offering such a genrous and risky guarantee, and there have been times with past clients where I have seriously regretted it. (There is always that one bad banana who spoils the bunch)
I want to make this decision as easy as humanly possible for you.
Look, you have absolutely ZERO risk in hiring me.
If it works, then you make money.
If it doesn’t then you get all your money back.
All you have to do is say “Yes, I’d like to give you a try”. That’s it.
Either you want to make sales online and you recognize that I have both the talent and ability to make that happen for you…
Or you want to remain a hobbyist.
There is no middle ground here…
But There’s A Catch…
After 15 months of trying to balance emailing back and forth with clients, taking phone calls, writing the sales copy, running my own business, doing copywork etc. I’ve finally decided to get some help.
Now, when you order sales copy from me, you not only get me as your writer…
But you get ANOTHER copywriter (and traffic/list expert) to take you by the hand, work with you to get your project set up, and take care of you as I create the very best version of your sales copy as possible.
In other words…
When you want to hire me, you’ll first chat with my business partner Pete.
Here’s how it works:
Pete (a fellow trained copywriter who worked with me to achieve the 80% conversion rates) will chat with you (the client). He’s much nicer than I am… and actually likes talking to clients.
Depending on your project size he’ll even jump on the phone and help get your offer ready for maximum conversions and sales… totally free.
Then Pete and I meet. Hash out details, come up with ideas for your campaign and make you money. If you want to work with me exclusively, then we’ll all jump on the phone call together to make sure we’ve got your project on lockdown, ready to profit.
I sit in my little cave with the keyboard melted permanently to my fingertips and bang out the copy that is going to work for you.
It’s like hiring a full blown agency like Widen & Kennedy… only about $57,896 cheaper.
With Pete, you’ll get the undivided attention you and your campaign deserve whilst allowing me to focus 100% on your project whether I’m the only writer or it’s written by our team.
You get better service, more communication, and better copy…
All because I finally wised up enough to get help…
But Please Don’t Attempt To Hire Me Or My Team If…
This service might not be for you. And that’s not just a line.
After working with over 1,259 clients in the past 15 months I’ve set a few rules that will give you the highest chance of profit… because it will give me the highest chance of doing what needs to get done to make sales for your business.
This service isn’t for you if:
- You’ve Ever Used, Or Plan To Use, The Phrase “Can You Make It Less Salesy?”
It doesn’t matter what niche, what market, or what service or product you are providing… if you want to maximize sales then you need to tap into the proven psychological triggers that have been taught, preached, and demonstrated by some of the most powerful and success copywriters in history. Guys like:
- Gary Halbert
- Ben Settle
- Yanik Silver
- Harlan Kilstein
- Jay Abraham
- Joe Vitale
- John Carlton
- Bob Bly
- Dan Kennedy
- Joe Sugarman
- Michael Fortin
- Claude Hopkins
- Agora
- Rodale Inc
- Boardroom
- And more…
I follow their lead and when they say, “Write to sell“… and that’s what I’m going to do when we work together. You’ll get copy that is bursting at the seams with benefits upon benefits… overcoming objections with tact and skill… and raw emotion pouring through each and every word generating true, visceral reactions in the minds and hearts of your prospective buyer…
But if you want dry, lifeless copy… I’m sure there are plenty of “Cracker Jack” writers out there who would love to take your money.
I’m not one of them.
Because my clients deserve sales copy that is going to maximize every last sale no matter the offer. Besides, I’ve written for over 1,000 clients in just 15 months and I can say this without hesitation…
The clients who wanted me to “Make It Less Salesy” had the worst results overall(if I didn’t outright fire them on the spot).
- You Haven’t Fully Developed Your Offer
This is not a good service to order sales copy from if your product isn’t finished.
Listen, it doesn’t have to be proofread, and designed with fancy logos and stuff…
I completely understand that you’ve got tight launch deadlines etc.
But I can’t write sales copy for a piece of software that doesn’t exist. I can’t write a 20 page sales letter based on the idea of a book…
The better your product, the better your copy. Simple as that.
If you want me to sell the pants off your product or service, I’ll do it, and I’ll do it better than anyone else you’ve ever hired. Or you get your money back.
- You’re Looking To Haggle Prices
I’m not a used car salesman. There is no built in wiggle room on these prices. These are the rock-bottom-lowest-we-can-go prices… and honestly, I only intend on keeping this low for maybe another 3 – 6 months.
You don’t want to haggle on price anyways. Even with “Cracker Jack” writers. The more you haggle, the less time your writer is going to be able to spend on your copy. The less time they spend on your copy… the worse your results are going to be. Guaranteed.
You wouldn’t haggle a surgeon. Don’t haggle a copywriter.
Are You Going To Be My Next Success Story?
My clients have made millions of real dollars. Dollars that you can spend on the stuff you want.
But you know what I really, really, really, really love about being a copywriter?
Emails like this:
Whatever your intention in hiring me, just know this:
I am very, very good at selling things using words.
My results speak for themselves.
I want to help you achieve your goals by being your “go-to” salesman. You give me products, I’ll sell them like they’re going out of style.
Sales is the lifeblood of your business and I love being the guy who’ll help you what you need it most.
For the right clients I can be a godsend. The guy who helps you through that one final “breakthrough” to achieving the success in sales and conversions that you’ve been looking for.
For the big dogs… I’m the hardest working copywriter you’ve ever met. Guaranteed.
I’m Ready To Sell Your Stuff. Are You?
All You Have To Do Is Fill Out The Form Below. I’ll Take Care Of The Rest.
Let me get serious for a moment…
When you order from me, you become family.
You see, I put food in my babies’ mouths when you exchange your money for my high converting copy. That relationship means something to me.
If you want to work with “fly by night” services, that is fine. If you want to pay $1,000 to someone who views you as a paycheck… I wish you the best of luck.
But when you work with me you work with a seasoned professional who takes this work and your project seriously.
Like family should.
And that’s a promise.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again, you may do this by clicking here.
To your success,
P.S. You literally have nothing to lose. Either you love the copy and do great things with it… or you don’t and you are protected by my insanely generous guarantee. Go ahead and fill out the form above and let me show you just how awesome good copy can be for your business.
P.P.S. Still not sure if I’m right for your business? Take a quick peak around the blog. You’ll get to see firsthand how I approach the copywriting process, my techniques and tactics for making money online, and you’ll even get a taste for my personality. Go ahead, take a look. It’s free after all, and I’ll be here when you get back.