I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about this… Seems obvious don’t you think?

Selling is a craft!

Just like woodworking is a craft.

Just like sewing is a craft.

Just like writing is a craft.

Craft = There are certain rules to follow and master. When you implement those rules, you get predictable results.

“Put this piece of wood here, and this one over here, and BAM! you have a chair.”

The same works in selling.

“Do this thing, then do this thing, then collect the check.”

What is the opposite of craft?

Throwing things against the wall and praying that something works.

Sure, there are masters of craft, people who make selling look like an art. Just like there are people who make building a chair look like an art.

But you don’t have to be an artist to see results. You just have to learn the craft.

If you want to learn to sell, I recommend starting here:


And here:


And here:


These are your basic instruction manuals to learning the craft of selling.

And once you start in on this particular learning journey… your life will never be the same again.