Beware: The “Congress Model” of doing business…

In the U.S. and of A we have an elected body of officials that make our decisions for us.

We call them congress.

(Fast forward to the part after the history lesson)…

They are supposed to pass laws and stuff.

But they really are champion stallers.

I’m talking Olympic level procrastination.

They are so good at not getting stuff done, it’s almost admirable.

Need to save the country from financial ruin?

“Nah, we’ll just take a vacation instead.”

Want to try and pass a bill that helps millions of people?

“Nah, let’s just stomp our feet and use legal maneuvers to never actually vote on the damn thing.”

Want to decide what to do about immigration?

“Nah, it’s more fun to just bicker and pretend The House and The Senate are just real life Youtube comments sections. Trolling is fun!”

I mean, these guys are BRILLIANT procrastinators.

Like, pull-out-your-notebook-and-take-notes-level stuff here guys.

If you want to learn how to never get anything done, turn on your TV to any one of the 24 hour news stations and sit back and bask in all their glorious ineptitude.

Why am I pointing all this out to you?

Oh, because you haven’t hired me to write your sales copy yet.

I can only assume that you haven’t done so because you are practicing your stalling and procrastination tactics for a hopeful future run at office.

That’s it isn’t it ?

I mean, it seems crazy to me that you would pass something up like a $97 shot at award winning sales copy for your business. That’s like letting your countries debt go into default because your summer vacation plans can’t be cancelled.

Oh wait.

Anyways, if political office is your goal, then do not click on this link:

If however, you want to build a business that is so profitable you end up personally paying the salary of these bums through the wonderfully larger tax bracket you will qualify for with all your riches…

Hit me up.

Let’s do some work together.

God bless the USA.

To your success,


P.S. If this post offends you, then jump back and read the post that I sent yesterday. Not only will this post make more sense, but you’ll see yesterday’s lesson in action today.